Monday, July 20, 2015

Diet, VBS, Haircuts, and other things...

This post is a little longer than usual, so you might want to grab your coffee, tea, or whatever you like to drink when you relax. 

Lately I've been asked by a LOT of you what my diet consists of.  If you don't know, I'm trying to really "clean up" my diet and also add some cancer fighting food and supplements.  Here is a typical day in my life (my sister deserves a PhD for all the research she's done to help me fight cancer.  She is AH-mazing!):

- Lypo-spheric vitamin C, 1,000 mg
- Vitamin D
- Capsule of sacred frankincense
- Green smoothie - The ingredients are spinach, water, fresh fruit, ground flax seed, Green Smoothie Girl protein powder, carrot juice, and honey to sweeten.  Go to to find out more.
- Hot green tea

Morning Snack:
- Trail mix (raw nuts, raisins, cacao chips).  Ozark Natural Foods has some really good options in bulk.

Quark - The ingredients are 6 T organic cottage cheese, 3 T flax oil, Blend. Then whatever to make it taste good.  I typically add honey, and some strawberries or blueberries.  You can also add cacao powder for a chocolate version.  Blend and eat.  The combination of cottage cheese and flax oil helps turn the unhealthy cells in my body to healthy.  Therefore, I can give my immune system a chance to thrive.  Here is a picture of the finished product.

- If I'm still hungry after the quark (it is about 500 calories!) I eat an apple dipped in almond butter, or fresh veggies or fruits. 
- Lypo-spherical Vitamin C, 1,000 mg
- Capsule of sacred frankincense
- Fresh carrot juice

- Fresh veggies or sautéed veggies, and a fresh salad.  I cannot eat dairy or meat right now so I get my protein from the smoothie and the nuts I add to my salads and trail mix.
- For dessert, I eat a dessert from Natural Growers (lurve that store!) called a Chocolate Tart.  All the ingredients are raw, and it tastes sooooo yummy!

Evening Snack:
- If I get hungry at night, I will usually eat watermelon, cherries, or more carrot juice.  It might sound boring, but your body gets used to it all.

Before bed:
- Lypo-spheric Vitamin C, 1,000 mg
- Capsule of frankincense
- Vitamin D

I drink unsweetened tea w/Stevia, Ph balanced water (can buy at Target or health food stores), or hot green tea when I'm thirsty. 

There is a method to all this madness.  I'm trying to get my immune system healthier from all the chemo the past 2 years, and I'm also trying to get it not to spread.  We might still go the chemo route, but I'm doing all this the next few weeks and if I get back on chemo, I will continue to do this, too.  Rest is really, really important, too, so please don't get offended if I say no to things the next few months.  I've just got to take care of myself so I can be here for my family.

It really wouldn't hurt for all of us to eat like the above, but even if you can't, you can incorporate some of this into your diet.  From what my sister has taught me, cancer likes to grow in un-oxygenated areas, and it also likes to form when your liver is broken down and not functioning like it should.  I am convinced the break down of our liver is from all the processed foods we eat. Our liver never gets a chance to detox properly.  We all have cancer cells in our bodies, but when our immune system is down, it gives the cancer cells a chance to take over. 

I've given you the really, really brief overview of my regimen, but feel free to e-mail me at if you have questions.  I admit that I hate talking on the phone, but I'll e-mail or text all day long! 

On a side note, I really do believe in the power of essential oils to help healing.  If you have questions about them please let me know.  I have a catalog I'd be happy to share with you.

Here is a picture of all the things my awesome sister, Terri, brought me last week when she was in town.

Last week's activities

My sister-in-law, Abby, and her 6 kids were here last week.  They mostly played in Grandma's pool, but Eli, Emme, and Jaida (Abby's 5 year old) attended VBS every night and loved it!  Here is a picture of Jaida and Emme before crazy hair day at VBS.  They have on my chemo wigs.  Glad they're getting used again!!!!!!

We also went to the creek one day.  Here is an adorable picture of Juliana (Abby's 3 year old).  They all had a lot of fun playing in the sand, swimming, and having a picnic lunch.

My sister, Terri, and my niece, Rachel, were also here most of last week so we got to be with them over the weekend.  They (my sister, niece Rachel, niece Callie, brother Dan, Eli and Emme) went hiking at Devil's Den Saturday.  Here are a few pics.

My hair isn't very long, but it's getting more difficult to dry it because of the lymphedema in my left arm so I'm wanting to cut it shorter.  Here are the 2 styles I'm debating.  What do you think?

I think that is it for now.  I'll try to make the next post a little more fun.  Thank you for the continued prayers.  We need prayers for complete healing and also for direction.  Cancer treatment can be very complicated, and we want to make the right decision for me.  I also have chronic pain in my legs and some pain in my lower back from the larger tumor. 

Love you guys a lot!  I'm leaving you with something funny.  Please don't get offended, it's just for fun!

1 comment:

  1. Robin, you are one of the bravest women I've ever, ever known.
    Thanks for the health information in this post and for your realistic, but positive communication. You inspire me deeply. We are praying for you at our house!
