Thursday, July 10, 2014

Choose Well

I saw this today and it spoke to me.  That sounds so corny, but it is true.  I am one of the worst offenders of the busy syndrome, which sometimes throws me into the stressy category.  I spend my time running children here and there, doting on my wonderful and perfect husband (*wink*), hanging out with my amazing friends, attending fun family gatherings, spending time at church and have doctor's appointments to boot.  Sound familiar?   I'm not at all saying any of these are bad.  It is a season of life that actually makes me feel very alive and fulfilled.  I just know that I can either react to my busy life by choosing stress or by choosing joy.  I CHOOSE JOY!  Ok.  Not always, but most of the time.  It is a gift to be here on this earth.  I repeat, it is a gift to be here on this earth.  Even when life hands you a mess.  Or you create your own mess (heaven knows I've done this, too!).  God placed us here for a reason so let's not choose to spend our days feeling stressed out or busy with things that don't matter. Choose well.  That is all.


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