Eli turned 9 last Wednesday. I know I sound like a typical mom, but it honestly seems like yesterday when we were bringing him home from the hospital. He is funny, smart as a whip, quit witted, and kind to others. And he really loves Jesus.
We (Gabe) bought him a bow for his big birthday present. You would have thought we gave him a million dollars. He is following in Gabe's footsteps regarding hunting. Sniff. Sniff. I'll never get used to seeing a dead deer in the back of Gabe's truck, but it's just everyday life around this house.
Eli and I had a mom/son date yesterday. It was much needed and very fun. First, we took his bow to Southtown Sporting Goods to get the pressure adjusted. They are so nice. If you ever need hunting/fishing/outdoor gear consider Southtown. They are a local business in Fayetteville, and I'm all about supporting local businesses. Plus, they sell our fishing lures (PJ's Finesse Baits). That is a post I would love to share one day.
So, after Southtown I asked Eli where he wanted to eat. Answer: GOLDEN CORRAL. Why do kids love that place so much? Is it the chocolate fountain? Is it the macaroni and cheese? Someone please tell me.
A picture of Eli's plate. Yes, that is a pancake next to French fries. Oh well. It was his day.
The day was a success. I believe we can never "date" our kids enough. It is the best way to keep the communication lines open between a child and their parent. Gabe is good about taking Emme on dates, too. We MUST spend time with our kids and listen to them. Really listen. You'll learn a lot.
I cannot get enough of baby Charlotte and George. They are so darn cute!!!!! How about you? Do you love to
Ok. On to the health stuff. We met with Dr. Beck Monday, and he confirmed that a few of the tumors on my liver are bigger. There are also a few new ones, but not an alarming amount and their sizes aren't very large. We saw the images, and I have come a long way since last July. So, that is positive. The cancer hasn't spread to anywhere else in my body either which is a relief. We still need a lot of prayer, though. Please continue to pray for complete healing/remission. I don't know if God will heal me quickly or slowly, but I know He can heal me completely. I pray I learn everything I am supposed to during this time of waiting, too. That's a gift even if it doesn't seem like it at the time.
Dr.Beck has a clinical trial he would like me to start, but part of the small print is that I must have been given all standard chemo drugs to make sure this is a last resort, if you will. Does that make sense? I am not wanting to have the "standard" chemo meds, because the side effects are numbness of fingers, change in blood count, some nausea, and complete hair loss. Can we say Groundhog Day? It is not quite as horrible as my first round of chemo 2 years ago, but it's still not pleasant. I am at a stand still right now while Beck sends my blood work off for a biopsy to make sure my tumor cells have not morphed into something new. I also am taking 2 weeks off of taking any chemo to make sure most of it's out of my body before starting something else. In this 2 week interim, I am following my cancer diet very closely. No cheating. Gabe and I are hoping it helps get my tumor markers down. Beck will draw blood again in 2 weeks to see where the markers are. If they are down, we might go ahead with strictly using diet for a while to decrease tumors. If it isn't working, we'll have to consider the chemo option. Please, please pray that Gabe and I have clarity for next steps. My body is really feeling the side effects of being on chemo for 2 years, and a break would be great. I know our God is much bigger than my cancer so I am praying for His healing touch all day long. It's nice to know we can talk to God any time. He's probably sick of hearing from me by now. :-) Gabe knows the feeling.
I love you my sweet friends. I know most of you are fervently praying for my healing, and I appreciate you so much. I can't say that enough. You are Aaron and I am Moses.....you hold my arm up when I can't do it any longer (Exodus 17:12).
Have a great Wednesday!!!!
Hey girlie! Prayers for all of the above. Thanks for being specific. :) Jan