Friday, May 1, 2015

Friday Favorites

Happy, happy Friday!  It's hard to believe it's May 1.  I just love Spring.  The new growth, flowers, precursor to summer vacation, and evenings spent on the back porch. is good!

I am a mess in motion when it comes to our house.  I am constantly painting, buying new pillows, or doing something to refresh a room or two (or five).  Right now, I am in the process of picking out a paint color for the main living areas in our home.  I'm really digging the grays right now and have the hubs approval.  So, here is the before of our family room.  I will post after picks when I finish painting the walls.  By the way, I didn't bother to clean up the room before posting, because this is how it looks everyday.  I included the picture of our dog, Zoe, because she's cute and thinks Eli's pallet is her new bed.  Dogs are the best.

Yesterday was SO.MUCH.FUN!!!!  Jarrod Rogers and Brittany Lyman picked up Jagger, Jace, Eli and Emme from school in Jarrod's limo.  What?  We were headed to watch the Huntsville Eagles girl's softball game and decided to ride in style.  You should have seen the kids in the limo.  Hilarious!  Big shout out to Jarrod for being so generous with his limo driving skilz.  We also had a dance show from Jagger as a bonus. 

I am in love with this fabric and am going to incorporate it into my kitchen and keeping room.  It will look so good with my new walls!

The kids were supposed to wear a pig shirt today in honor of their principal, Mrs.Candra Brasel, kissing a pig during the Eagle rally.  The kids met their reading goals, and this is the main prize.  Isn't that great?  Anyhoo, it gave me the perfect excuse to run into Southern Trend to buy Emme and myself some summer t's.  I bought this one, and Emme has the same pattern but on a gray t-shirt.  Check them out!  They are a local company, and I'm all about supporting local businesses.

I hope y'all have an amazing weekend.  We are going to dinner with good friends tonight, attending a ladies tea, baseball practice, and working the PTSO talent show tomorrow.  Emme is also singing with her class in the show.  I can't wait to see her perform.  Drama is in her DNA.  From her dad, of course.


  1. I think a grey will look great in that room!

  2. Thanks, Jessica!!! I keep telling myself it's just paint!

  3. I have been renting limos for various events all my life. They never stop being fun. And the thing is, they are not just a treat for any one segment of people. Everyone loves a limo ride. I invite my nieces and nephews to ride quite often. They always love it. It is always like the best thing they have ever experience.

    Evan Blake @ Antique Limo Of Indy
